Wednesday 10 August 2011


Perhaps tis’ a dream written
With a script from the most
Idealistic love scene. Sweet scented
Fruits bloom a stretch away from my
Looking glass. Lemons, ripened, ready,
Plucked quickly with a cheeky glance.
Peter Pan who grew up too soon
Cackles and hordes the golden treasure
Into the depths of the coolest cave,
With marble floors to sooth burning feet
Pattering profanity to escape the heat.
So, if one must travel far, or if one must
Travel at all, one must look more closely
Beyond these white washed walls.
Into the green groves of the olive trees
We venture. Sweat, clinging to the skin
Masks the clear headed calculations we make,
A hop here and shuffle there, bare chested
And bare knees exposed to the prickles of
Tiny hands scratching for sustenance.
Blood trickles in abundance, streams
Of rubies tumble over a pallid page.
Yet, there is peace. A quiet afternoon
Shattered by a smiling moon, melodies
Melodies beckon to each wide eyed, doe eyed
Dancer, awkwardly gawking, talking, walking.
Is this heaven? This funny little place,
So far from a human race, where we drink
And think, and then we forget. Where the
Misty blue mountains turn green and gold
As the sunrises and a secret’s told
Two footprints in the sand, two people
And two hands, held as one with nights
On a creaky, crumbling pier and days
Spent flying high or drinking beer.
Yes, this simple scene is seen in two dreams;
An ache for liquids with lemon and lime
An ache for hours of unlimited time,
So skimpy skirts with glittered eyes
Can hunt for prey and hide in disguise. 
Happiness found and sealed in a mark
Sourced in a promise, a dare in the dark,
Secret pools, paintings, peaches,
Silent sorrys on breezy beaches,
These are the blissful creatures of my mind
Confined to memories, odd to others
In a script set for two idealistic lovers. 

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