Tuesday 21 February 2012


Damp dew, tiny water crystals
Cling to pink polka dot boots
Casing little feet, now not tentatively tiptoeing
Now racing and chasing, dancing, darting
Over the brooks, the innocent crook
Who steals glossy gems from bursting shrubs
Swollen and fat, the juice painting patterns
On dimpled cheeks, and staining chattering lips
Purple and red, Mother’s make up
Lipsticks of similar hue, eye shadows in glittering boxes
Tied with satin ribbons on the glassed surface
Are safe for awhile, away from sticky hands
Which triumphantly clutch trophies
A fallen leaf, snatched from a breeze
Where it twirled and salsa-ed, finishing with a foxtrot
Upon a pink palm. Crimson veins crisscross on golden skin
As worn as parchment, inky lines on a Treasure map.
A twig from an ancient oak, with gnarled roots
Like snakes, twisting upward to face dappled sunlight
Illuminating the footprints of thousands
The twig is a sword, held high by our brave knight!
Who’s tiny fingers fasten on their weapon
Ready to battle, to die, to defend
Mother’s apple crumble, from Magpies and Crows
Who watch with beady eyes, on branches
Which crisscross over autumn’s pallid blue skies.
A pebble from the bubbling brook, a bottle top,
Two chestnuts, a conker, the feather of a pheasant
(Slightly battered in places)
A rusted nail, three ladybugs and a worm
A two pence piece and four pennies
A blue shoelace, and a piece of frosted glass
Humbled by the swirling, twirling waters.
To you or I this junk litters the forest floor
Yet to some tiny tot, there is beauty
Captured in this cache of fading memoirs,
A snapshot of a walk in the woods.  

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