Tuesday 15 January 2013

An Opaque Reflection

Mirrors, do not reflect the features
But the creatures who slit your soul.
Sir, a fine figure you are, quite the gentleman,
Catch me in the bar, buy me drink
And sing me a line or two about you.
Tongue-tied? I’m surprised,
For the mask you wear, you wear so well,
Tis’ a foundation for infatuated fools
Who fall for your spell.
My dear, I judge not by finery, robes
Or jewelled clothes. I perceive past
The door you unlock, the truths you tell.
For the slice of light cast in my direction
Does not mask manipulation nor deception.
Yet do not quiver, quake nor shy from my gaze,
 I offer nothing but my most critical of praise,
For I glimpse repulsion in those eyes
Akin to old masters in a modern case;
They are the wrinkles of an infant face.
The tears never cried paint them blue
And give them only the finest hue.
Beautiful Angel, fallen from the skies
Tis’ your heart which bleeds, your soul that dies.
Yet no mortal beauties can the world mistake
For only you suffer the ugliness of the opaque,
Because within your mind an image distorts
Owed to fickle fiends and villainous thoughts.
Skin like silk, I kid you not, only potholed by
 A muscle knot. Your warmth which heats my heart
Could do so when suffering several miles apart.
And lips which know a collection of kisses, 
Tender and temperate, quick to attune
Longing to linger, but gone too soon.
They shape the smile, cause hearts to race
By calling forth the beauty of thy face.
Accentuated by cheekbones, knives robed in silk
Shaded with stubble, and old man’s shield
In childish trouble. So akin to
A marble sculpture you are, chiselled  
With precision for flawless faces
The elements set in the most perfect of places.
Blinkered foal believe me not,
We each have our choices, yet I speak so honestly
With a chorus of voices. Hands so strong they
Plucked my heart (twas’ so fastened from care!)
Yet hands so gentle, no bruising did it bear.
Thus my duel to uncloak thy soul from a sheet of ice
Is not rooted from shadows of desire
For I can only combat ice with my words of fire.

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