Tuesday 15 January 2013

An Opaque Reflection

Mirrors, do not reflect the features
But the creatures who slit your soul.
Sir, a fine figure you are, quite the gentleman,
Catch me in the bar, buy me drink
And sing me a line or two about you.
Tongue-tied? I’m surprised,
For the mask you wear, you wear so well,
Tis’ a foundation for infatuated fools
Who fall for your spell.
My dear, I judge not by finery, robes
Or jewelled clothes. I perceive past
The door you unlock, the truths you tell.
For the slice of light cast in my direction
Does not mask manipulation nor deception.
Yet do not quiver, quake nor shy from my gaze,
 I offer nothing but my most critical of praise,
For I glimpse repulsion in those eyes
Akin to old masters in a modern case;
They are the wrinkles of an infant face.
The tears never cried paint them blue
And give them only the finest hue.
Beautiful Angel, fallen from the skies
Tis’ your heart which bleeds, your soul that dies.
Yet no mortal beauties can the world mistake
For only you suffer the ugliness of the opaque,
Because within your mind an image distorts
Owed to fickle fiends and villainous thoughts.
Skin like silk, I kid you not, only potholed by
 A muscle knot. Your warmth which heats my heart
Could do so when suffering several miles apart.
And lips which know a collection of kisses, 
Tender and temperate, quick to attune
Longing to linger, but gone too soon.
They shape the smile, cause hearts to race
By calling forth the beauty of thy face.
Accentuated by cheekbones, knives robed in silk
Shaded with stubble, and old man’s shield
In childish trouble. So akin to
A marble sculpture you are, chiselled  
With precision for flawless faces
The elements set in the most perfect of places.
Blinkered foal believe me not,
We each have our choices, yet I speak so honestly
With a chorus of voices. Hands so strong they
Plucked my heart (twas’ so fastened from care!)
Yet hands so gentle, no bruising did it bear.
Thus my duel to uncloak thy soul from a sheet of ice
Is not rooted from shadows of desire
For I can only combat ice with my words of fire.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Snowdrops and Crocuses

The last few days of February
Always lead to Spring
And snowdrops bow their pretty heads
To welcome their season’s king.
Crocuses of a purple hue
Burst in pride to flood the land
But Spring has not awoken you
As it did before
It is your time, my loyal friend
To tiptoe through this Golden Door.
Here you lie now
In a place we have often lain,
And whilst my heart lives on
It also beats with pain,
Knowing that we have now to part
After times so sweet, but times so few,
You left before it was time to go
And took a piece of me, away with you.
Little friend, sunshine has broken through
And cracked the shield of frost,
Yet you will not wander here
For I must pay the cost,
And miss the twinkle in your eyes
And the pinkness of your tongue
And those little funny feet
Now at rest where Robins tweet
A sad song, too say goodbye
Yes here you lie, where we have lain,
Sweet in blossom, strong in bough
This ancient tree has stood for us,
But it is your strength I must endow,
I ask you, keep me strong
Patch up this broken soul
Make me feel like I can live
In a world where I don’t belong,
Keep these eyes open,
So that I may see the stars
Heal my heart from bruising
From the pain of reality’s scars,
And do, keep me wise
And let my mind be free
Rid this tongue of lies
And cleanse my tainted entity.
I will love you, forever more,
My dear friend, I will miss you so
Help me to shut this door
So I may open a window,
Help me to see, that here you lie,
No spell can weave its work
No potions, or hocus pocuses
Here you lie
On a bed of snowdrops and crocuses. 

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Damp dew, tiny water crystals
Cling to pink polka dot boots
Casing little feet, now not tentatively tiptoeing
Now racing and chasing, dancing, darting
Over the brooks, the innocent crook
Who steals glossy gems from bursting shrubs
Swollen and fat, the juice painting patterns
On dimpled cheeks, and staining chattering lips
Purple and red, Mother’s make up
Lipsticks of similar hue, eye shadows in glittering boxes
Tied with satin ribbons on the glassed surface
Are safe for awhile, away from sticky hands
Which triumphantly clutch trophies
A fallen leaf, snatched from a breeze
Where it twirled and salsa-ed, finishing with a foxtrot
Upon a pink palm. Crimson veins crisscross on golden skin
As worn as parchment, inky lines on a Treasure map.
A twig from an ancient oak, with gnarled roots
Like snakes, twisting upward to face dappled sunlight
Illuminating the footprints of thousands
The twig is a sword, held high by our brave knight!
Who’s tiny fingers fasten on their weapon
Ready to battle, to die, to defend
Mother’s apple crumble, from Magpies and Crows
Who watch with beady eyes, on branches
Which crisscross over autumn’s pallid blue skies.
A pebble from the bubbling brook, a bottle top,
Two chestnuts, a conker, the feather of a pheasant
(Slightly battered in places)
A rusted nail, three ladybugs and a worm
A two pence piece and four pennies
A blue shoelace, and a piece of frosted glass
Humbled by the swirling, twirling waters.
To you or I this junk litters the forest floor
Yet to some tiny tot, there is beauty
Captured in this cache of fading memoirs,
A snapshot of a walk in the woods.  

Somewhere Between A and B

A girl walks from, let’s say, A to B.
Leave out the names, for now, they are irrelevant
A mystery.
A is a well lit space, solid and concrete
Polished floors, an infrastructure of steel.  
B is not so well lit, yet it does emit
A glow of sorts. It is an easy place, comfortable,
Warm. Anyway,
Her eyes flick from thought to fact,
From picture to person.
Orange light illuminating a car, sooty grey in the dark
Parked just a little over the line
The driver was perhaps in a hurry, screeching, swearing
Swerving clumsily into the final space. Hastily finishing
His morning coffee, fumbling with change in his tatty trousers.
Unshaven, unkept, unwell. Irritable.
Perhaps the clock awoke after he did, that is
The clocks do go forward today.
An hour of lost time to make up for.
Perhaps his wife shook him with a heavy heart
As the screaming toddler bawled for food
And he stumbled into the shower
(Which, they really must look into fixing)
Ripped his best pair of pants, and couldn’t find
Any matching socks. When can anyone find matching socks?
Are matching socks, perhaps, a legend of the infamous washing machine?
His eldest, maybe with hair a shade too brave
(Though she could have sworn upon the grave the label said “Blonde Honey”)
Regardless, there goes fifteen quid of Dad’s money.
He perhaps wolfed down his toast, kissed her with crumbly lips
And legged it out the front door
(Forgetting his briefcase on the second floor
Of the two story address in London)
The night before? Down to the pub for an hour, he says
Three hours and six pints later the poor chaps
Upheaving the Spaghetti Bolognese
He had for supper. Man can’t hold his drink nowadays
Says the retired Sailor from across the bar.
A tattoo of his late wife across his bulging belly
Held in with a belt that saw him through three seas
And two battles, as sturdy and strong as he.
The barman stands with a cheerful smile
And sad, sad eyes. His other job, a cashier
At the Tesco’s around the corner, pays a little less
But it gets him buy. Perhaps he was never meant
To be an Oxford graduate
The woman with the gin and tonic
At the back, tucked in a corner
Maybe lost her job, and then
Walked in on her husband
With some random redhead in curls
(Weren’t those Aunt Mildred’s pearls
Fastened snugly around that lily white neck?)
That’s the second time this month she sighs
Then smiles with hazy eyes
It’s just a bad day

Yet the girl who’s walking
From A to B, and is now somewhere
Between the two, hasn’t a clue.
The man with car, sooty grey in the
Dim twilight, may be her husband
The woman at the bar, with eyes
Weeping tears her heart cannot
Cry, may be her, in a year or ten
Yet for now, the girl is stuck
Spoilt with time, blindfolded with innocence
Somewhere between A and B
In retrospect; carefree.

Growing Up

Often the young forget
What it is they love, and frequently find
They tend to regret choices they make,
A silly mistake, a childish phrase
Playing the adult in several ways,
But still unripe, not ready to bloom,
Trapped in angst and youthful gloom
Blind to the world, caught in a mind,
Where logic and thought is only confined
To the space at the back, with boxes and bags
Tied with pink ribbons and babyish tags,
Pushchairs and prams reside there too
Replaced by rings and watches, sparkling and new
Too old for that, too young for this,
Too cool for everything, except a goodnight kiss
And a hug and a cuddle on a quiet afternoon
Perhaps an apology (once in a blue moon)
Since deep down I think you know
I’m still your baby, and I won’t let you go. 


(this was created using only words from a magazine article) 

I have no mouth
And I must scream.
Science has offered treatments,
Demonstrated the mechanics
Had I thought of it.

I can’t be the only person
Hoping to feel unfamiliar.
My concept,
My fairly limited toolkit,
Merely creates space inside
A virtual world.

The characters themselves
Are nothing special,
Swimming in artificial intelligence
And anxiety.

They’ve taken my naturalistic side,
Thieved my emotional range.
They’ve inserted a complex
Recipe, eight books long.

I’m missing Mother
In this digital space,
With ambiguous conflict
Between buttons and relationships.
Answer me, though the answer
Will not be terribly original.
Shall I kill you? 

Wednesday 24 August 2011

White Roses

Fragranced and frayed
The stems of white horses, a crest
Of lost lovers, mourning for decayed
Memoirs. A petal plucked, a petal falls,
A silent echo traces the lips
Foolish quips lost in childish pursuits,
Paper, perfume, pricey fruits,
A collection for Kings, yet here
Here, is the skeleton rose.
The Ten of Spades taints the bones
With the sickening scarlet he’ll imbue,
Til’ Vampires lick this crimson hue.
The clockwork of the purest mind
Clogs with clutter, when left enshrined.
Encase the prams, pushchairs, carry cots,
Dress them with the shining locks.
Inhale the scent, supposed to sedate,
So she’ll tenderly tip toe towards her fate.
For you, these White Roses bloom,
To adorn the life, and honour the tomb.