Friday 24 June 2011

The Man with a Wall for a Face

Look to your cheeks, why do they flame
Red as bricks? Sorcerer of pain, am I?
A nature of tricks; pixie with one eye
Which is shut tight, shut tight for my night.
Your lips, my dear, are cemented, locked and bound
Your feet beat bitter, bittersweet ground
When I chatter and natter I hear two; 
The echo bouncing off of you
Straight to my heart; acidic cupid’s dart.
Hear me not, see me not, forget me-
No. The syrupy sewage I spew
Oozing out as gobbledegoo  
Could never corrode a thick brick, like you.
Listen to me! Alas, I forgot
How can one listen with ears so full
Of cement, repent, rubbish and rot.

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